Sunday, 19 September 2010

NCAAF - No Clue At American Football

The Sports Betting Professor's College Football picks were a much improved 8 wins, 10 losses yesterday. No doubt he will somehow turn that record into an amazing 5-0 system win! Last Saturday you may remember, he had one winner and nine losses, earlier in week two he went 1-1, and in week one, he went 4 - 4 with one push. So his full record for the new season is a less than impressive 14 wins, 24 losses. Anyone following these picks is getting badly burned. To hit the break even target of 52.38% for the season, he's going to need a better system than the one he currently has, which is worse than tossing a coin! I just hope he doesn't pick Arkansas to win any time soon.

His pro game tips are just as bad, 0-2 with one push from week one. For week two, you may be best served by avoiding the Bills, Chiefs, Buccaneers and Chargers. I don't ask for his e-mails, I don't pay for his tips, so I don't feel too bad about putting them up here. It's not like they're any good!

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