Thursday, 18 October 2012

Einstein James Dean

It doesn't always work, but the Jazz did have a chance to tie with a two, or win with a three at the end. Clippers won 96-94. Laying low is the way to go, and one upside of being a VIP and 'fortunate' enough to pay 50% of profits is that it is strangely liberating. Win, and that's always good, but lose, and it's a tax write-off! At least if you time it right.
Less than two weeks to go before the real NBA season starts, but these pre-season games have had more liquidity than I can remember. Of course, last season there was a very limited pre-season due to the labour dispute, but I'm hoping it augurs well for the new season.

The market seems to think it's a three way battle between current champions Miami Heat, vanquished finalists Oklahoma City Thunder and the Los Angeles Lakers. I could be wrong, it happens sometimes, but why the Lakers are shorter than the Thunder is a little surprising to me. The Lakers have added an ageing Steve Nash, and if he recovers fully from his back surgery, a great center in Dwight Howard, even if he has yet to grow out of the god thing, but even so.
Before he was drafted in 2004, Howard said that he wanted to use his NBA career and Christian faith to "raise the name of God within the league and throughout the world"
Why the Christian god you may ask? Well, by a strange coincidence, it turns out that his parents are also Christians! - what are the odds on that I wonder?

In 1989 Billy Joel wrote "Brooklyn's got a winning team", and while the Nets are unlikely to win a championship any time soon, Brooklyn does have a team again for the first time in 55 years.

It was a little surprising to see a Tweet from the great Mark Iverson which upon further investigation, revealed that someone claims not to have heard of me. Seriously!

Anyway, Leo Attwood (@leosattwood) asked Marky "who's this Cassini character mate?"

Webbo at BetfairBanter had posted:
Here are my current top 10 sports betting related people (in no particular order) to follow on Twitter:
which included (although I was a little hurt not to be in the number one spot):
@Calciocassini (Cassini) – Doesn’t tweet much but his Green All Over blog forms a big part of the betting community.
@markyiverson (Mark Iverson) – Expert Cricket Trader. Managed to withstand multiple Cassini attacks.
Multiple Cassini attacks? A little constructive criticism is my preferred term.

The Cassini v Iverson post is the eighth most popular Green All Over post out of 1430, but unlike the US Presidential debates which are currently tied at 1-1 (with the momentum all for Obama [1.43 atow]) there was only ever one winner in the Cassini v Iverson debate.

1 comment:

  1. Im not quite sure where you are seeing the momentum?

    That was the Obama rally, not to be confused with the Romney rally.
