Thursday, 22 November 2012

Dallas Cowboys

As you all give thanks this Thanksgiving Day for the existence of this blog, I share with you all a rare piece of Cassini humour:
Albert Einstein was attending a party, and introduced himself to a stranger.
"Hi, I'm Albert Einstein. What's your I.Q.?"
The man replied "About two hundred and forty".
Albert Einstein says "That's great, we can talk about pulsars, quasars, inter-stellar space travel, atheism, quarks and leptons, we'll have a great conversation" so they chat for a while before Einstein says "Well, this is a party, so I'd better go and circulate" and walks off.
He approaches a second stranger, and again introduces himself -
"Hi, I'm Albert Einstein. What's your I.Q.?"
The man replied "About one hundred and forty".
Albert Einstein hesitates for a moment before saying "That's OK, we can talk about politics, religion, the economy, we'll find something to talk about" so they chat for a while before Einstein says "Well, this is a party, so I'd better go and circulate" and walks off.
He approaches a third stranger, and again introduces himself -
"Hi, I'm Albert Einstein. What's your I.Q.?"
The man hesitates, before replying "About forty".
Einstein looks at him before raising his hand for a high-five saying:

"How 'bout them Cowboys".

1 comment:

  1. OK, my favourite NFL joke after the Giants again unexpectedly beat the Patriots

    After living a full life, Tom Brady passed away. When he went to seek his heavenly reward, God took him on a tour. They came to a modest little house with a faded Patriots flag in the window.
    “This house is yours for eternity, Tom,” said God. “This is a very special honor; not everyone gets a house up here.”
    Tom felt very special indeed, and walked up to his front door. On his way up the porch, he noticed another house just around the corner. It was a huge 3-story mansion painted white, blue and red, with a 50-foot tall flagpole with an enormous New York Giants flag waving.
    As he looked closer, he noticed a swimming pool in the shape of the state of New York, a Giants logo in every window, and a brand spanking new #10 Eli Manning jersey on the front door.
    Tom looked over at God and said “God, all due respect, but I have a question. I was an all-pro QB, I won three Super Bowls, and I went to the Hall of Fame on the first ballot. Even the football stat geeks loved me.”
    God said, “So what’s your point Tom?”
    “Well, why does Eli Manning get a better house than me?”
    God just laughed.
    “Tom, that’s not Eli’s house. It’s mine.”
