The ramifications from the farcial ending to Sunday's Chargers - Steelers handicap bet go on.
(The result was 11-10, although at one time the result was incorrectly shown as 17-10, and Betfair in their haste to settle, paid out on the wrong result).
One sad individual on the Betfair forum is bragging about how he withdrew his 'winnings' before Betfair could reverse their mistake. Integrity be darned.
Now if I am totally honest, a wrong deposit into my account of a million pounds might well see me do the same, but it speaks volumes about the character of the man that he would sell his integrity for a few quid, and lose the privilege of betting and trading with Betfair until such time as he settles his debt.
Trying to justify his action by saying the referees made a mistake, and that he SHOULD have won the bet, is rather beside the point. Officials' decisions are part and parcel of sports, and you take the rough with the smooth. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. But be a man about it. Don't brag (too much!) when you win; and don't whine when you lose.
What a loser. It really is completely classless, but what goes around comes around.
Update - Betfair have changed the rules! "Predict the result of this match including any overtime that may be played. " now reads " Predict the result of this match including any overtime that may be played after adjusting it for any bad decisions you feel may have gone against you. If we have to pay out on all outcomes, then so be it."
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8 hours ago
good on him! pleased to here that betfair's pathetic service has been shafted somewhat, they don't mind shafting the punter for every last penny i.e the charge and the disgusting arcade
Just wondering...what post exactly do you hold with betfair?
Not sure you'll find many that will be looking to express "integrity" when it comes to giving money to your firm betfair for their own foolish mistakes!
I hardly think Betfair will miss his £10, and the arcade has nothing to do with this. The sorry sap lost a bet and welched on it. That is what I have a problem with. I think that had you had that bet with him and won, you'd not be too impressed with him if he refused to pay you because he felt "it wasn't fair (stamp feet) I should have won - Mummy!)
And if you read my blog regularly, you'll be in no doubt that I am not a spokesperson for Betfair.
You wrote this over £10!! sound like you have too much time on your hands, in fact pretty pathetic really.
A typical do gooder are we!!,find a fiver on the floor and walk 3miles to the local police station to hand it in I bet
I have no idea how much he made out of it! Don't be so gullible. It could have been 10p for all I know, but whatever it was, I doubt that it was worth losing his Betfair betting priviliges for. As for the fiver on the ground, yes, if I knew who it belonged to, I probably would. Exercise is good for you, and so is having integrity.
"Now if I am totally honest, a wrong deposit into my account of a million pounds might well see me do the same, but it speaks volumes about the character of the man that he would sell his integrity for a few quid, and lose the privilege of betting and trading with Betfair until such time as he settles his debt."
so you would probably do the same if the price is right!..ridiculous blog and a total contradiction of whatever "do gooder" attitude you choose to percieve on the internet especially when you admit that you'd probably do the same if the price is right! :D
Hi Roberto,
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Good luck mate.
Anonymous - did you miss the title of the post?
No i didn't but your basically attacking somebody for something you would probably do yourself! don't even know the sum involved!
possibly the worst thought out blog i've ever seen!
I know the sum wasn't a million pounds my friend. The point of the post was that integrity has a price - some just sell out for a lot less than others.
maybe the guy wasn't as fortunate as yourself?,it's now turning into a thread of snobbery!
As someone pointed out, the fact that the person in question is still posting on the forum means that he was lying anyway - since you can't post with no money in your account! Maybe he read this post and realised that his integrity was worth more than a few quid and the loss of his betting privileges? He could always take the Chargers -2.5 tonight and win his money back.
For what it is worth, I remember reading the comments he posted on this match, and his justifications for "withdrawing all his money and running" were not exactly to be proud of. I also think in reality if you were wrongly credited £1 million you probably wouldn't try and run with it because you'd know that you'd be chased for it.
I, for one, agree and "ryang" did sell not only his integrity but also his ability to wager at Betfair all for the sake of one winning bet. Although as pointed out, the fact he could post that he had done such is proof he didn't actually do it. What I find more worrying is he was proud to have such low morals in an arena that has very few in the first place.
P.S. Keep up the good work.
Thanks Curly, and yes, you're probably right about the one million actually. Peace of mind is worth a great deal at the end of the day, and I don't think you'd get too much looking over your shoulder all the time.
For a story of how greed and stupidity can ruin lives, you only have to read Footsoldiers' sorry tale.
Jesus Christ!!! Are you still going on about this!
your not only disrupting all the in running threads on betfairs but your at it here too!
move on you sad middle aged bumbling fool its boring now!
You're right - (not about the middle-age though!) - time to move on.
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